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First Day of School

Second Grade & Kindergarten

I can hardly believe that my baby is in kindergarten! My lands, they are growing up so fast! Yesterday, we made a last ditch run for haircuts, which turned out awesome! 

Seriously... a car that runs on toothpaste? Eventually I’ll let him know maybe he would want to consider “alternate fuel sources” 🤣

Deciding to do the hybrid model for school this year was a happy medium for us. I don’t think that school full-time for us would have been ideal, given the class sizes. For them to be able to go two days a week, this would allow them some social interaction as well as safety in smaller class sizes. M has 12 kids in his class, L has 9.

We carpooled to school with a neighbor friend, and it was so chaotic at the drop off that I didn’t even have time for tears. I got a little emotional after I got home, but these COVID days are not the same. Any other year, I would have been a blubbering mess!

School Prep

Has anyone ever mentioned how challenging it is to get organized for the beginning of the school year? They don’t make those pre-packed school supply kits for nothing. I decided not to order one this year because I wasn’t sure what school will look like and didn’t want to end up paying a ton of money for supplies we didn’t need. Big mistake. First, I scrounged around target to find the supplies that we need. Unfortunately, there are no Lysol wipes anywhere. Period. End of story. Thankfully our school does have some and I will keep looking every time I’m at the store. 

This year, I decided to forego a new school clothes. We have enough that will get them through the year, or so I thought. Turns out, most of M’s jeans that I thought would fit look a little like high waters. 

And the COVID prep! Masks for everyone in multitudes. I went with the philosophy that more is better and fun designs make them a part of your accessorizing. I decided to get these awesome lanyards off of Etsy that break away if they get caught on the playground. They can wear their masks in class, then put them around their neck when they don’t need them for eating or outside play and NOT lose them. They are amazing! (I got my own fancier one HERE) And then I sent two extra masks with each kid, just in case they got real sweaty. Neither of them has glasses yet, but it’s only a matter of time. I dread the day we have to deal with foggy glasses. Then there are the multitude of conversations we had about how to avoid getting sick: do not rub your face, wash your hands for 20 seconds, no touch our friends, do not rub your face, do not touch your face mask in the front, only one small blanket in Kindergarten, no stuffier, no extra toys, do NOT TOUCH YOUR FACE... 

Then there is this distance-learning space. Earlier this year we turned the boys rooms into a bedroom and a study room. The study has two desks, all their books, a small table, and their masks and school supplies. We still need some decor, but it’s getting there. Each boy has a bin for their clean masks and can pick out which one they want to wear for the day. I’m trying to figure if/out how I’m going to “enhance” their learning. I want them to have music, art, and science. None of these will be the same in school. In fact, they don’t have art at our elementary school or science as a specialist. I have a few experiments I’d like to try with them, and some art projects. I’ll take any suggestions you have!

Great Success!

After all that, thank goodness the boys declared the day “the best day ever!“ Both of them were so happy to be back at school, that I know it was the right decision to send them. M loves his new teacher, has a great friend in his class, and was excited about everything he did. L declared first thing that he got to have nap time under his desk on his blanket, played with blocks at his desk (by himself 😢) and made a new friend, but can’t remember his name. I pray that they will be able to play in class with their friends and not have to do things alone at their desk. After dinner, L sat down to do his schoolwork. He had a sheet to fill out for his first day of kindergarten. He spent a good 30 minutes on it trying to fill out everything and spell it correctly. Both couldn’t wait to pick out their clothes for tomorrow.

Cheers to making it through the first day with smiles on faces and dry eyes for Mommy!

L doing his homework


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