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Truly, all you amazing parents, WE DID IT! We survived week one of unexpected break. Most of us didn’t have plans to be home and had to work at the same time. Without family and friends, it would be more difficult. Keep supporting one another! Somewhere between keeping the kids out of the cupboards, VCing with the VP, ignoring the 127th time they asked to watch a show, we had some amazing moments.

We had bread left in our mailbox by neighbors. We had costume day and found signs of the first day of Spring. We had a virtual HH with coworkers. We put together puzzles, learned how to play monopoly and built LEGO creations worthy of LEGO Masters (slightly biased mom here). We had FaceTime calls with school friends, cousins and grandparents. We sang a song for a friend outside his door and had cousins enact Let It Go on our front sidewalk.  We learned about animals with the Cincinnati Zoo and how to draw with Mo Willems.

The house may be a wreck and we are still figuring out how to let out the energy, but we are together. we can weather anything!


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